EST. 2014
Located in CSL 2301 & 2302, our synthesis pods provide cutting edge space for monomer, catalyst, and polymer synthesis.
Current equipment:
Hoods - Total of 8 x 8' hoods are each equipped with an in-house frabricated manifold capable of high vacuum (~10 mtorr) and a dampener valve to allow reduced pressure distillations under inert atmosphere.
Balance - 2 x Mettler Toledo MS204S ( 0.1 mg readability ).
Balance - Mettler Toledo ML6001E high capacity ( 6.2 kg ) balance.
Mixer - Thermo Scientific MaxiMix III with custom vial accessories.
Rotovap - 2 x Heidolph HEI-Vap Digital with polymer coated dry ice condenser and Welch Dryfast pump ( adjustable vacuum control ).
Sonication - Heidolph CSU Ultrasonic Bath.
Centrifuge - Thermo Heraeus Megafuge 8 benchtop model with interchangeable tube holders (10 and 50 mL size)
MBraun UniLab Glove Box - with -30 °C freezer, large antechamber, small antechamber, and Eco-Mode.
Isotemp Circulator - Heidolph Hei-Therm RL-720M refridgerated circulator (-20 °C to 135 °C)
Parr Reactor - Stainless steel high pressure vessel suitable for hydrogenation reactions
Glassware - Specialty items include: house-made anionic polymerization apparatus, pressure vessels, and a variety of air-free (Schlenk) manipulation glassware.
Kiln - Skutt Model KM-818 for ultra-cleaning of glassware
Water Purification - Thermo Sci. NANOpure DIamond Ultrapure water system.
Size Exclusion Chromatograph:
Agilent - Wyatt Combination SEC-RI-MALS-Viscometry Instrument
(THF mobile phase)
- Agilent 1260 isocratic pump, degasser, autosampler, and thermostatted column chamber.
- Agilent PLgel Mixed C columns (0.2 - 2,000 kg/mol size exclusion).
- Wyatt miniDAWN TREOS 3-angle light scattering detector
- Wyatt Optilab TrEX refractive index detector
- Wyatt Viscostar II differential viscometer
Gas Chromatograph:
Agilent 7890 GC System
(UHP Nitrogen mobile phase)
- Autosampler.
- Split / Splitless injection system.
- Flame Ionization Detector (FID)
- Universal and Chiral Separation Columns
JASCO P-2000 Polarimeter with variable wavelength filters
Differential Scanning Calorimeter:
TA Instruments Model Q1000 with Q2000 upgrades
RSC 90 Refrigeration Cooling Accessory
Melt Press:
Carver Dual-Platen Heated Melt Press
The Materials Characterization Laboratory (MAC Lab) is located on the 1st floor of CSL. It contains a variety of characterization equipment that is easily accessible to researchers in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at FSU. The available equipment can be found (here)
Located in Innovation Park on Florida State University's southwest campus, the High-Performance Materials Institute offers a variety of advanced instrumentation and characterization strategies to determine physical properties of new polymeric materials designed in the Kennemur Group. More information can be found (here)